Wester Suburbs Triathlon Club - Training Information
NOTE: Club Training programs are on hold while the COVID-19 action plan is in place. Once the club deems the right time has been reached to re-start training sessions notification will be put up on our WSTC FaceBook page.
Training Overview
Training is a fundamental part of triathlon, so much that motivation sometimes gets blurred between training and competition. Do we train to compete, or compete to benchmark our training?... Either way, two things are for sure. Training is easier and much more fun with a group, and advice from a coach or expert helps us achieve our goals, whether the goals are to do a sub nine hour Hawaii (yeah right...), or just to keep fit for life.
Club Weekday Training Schedule
Wind Trainer Bike Session
When: 6:00pm
Where: Altona LifeSaving Club (front entrance club rooms)
We do have spare wind trainers but if you could bring your own, it would be appreciated
Note: Tuesday's some attendees are arriving and starting at 5:30pm to get in a serious 90 minutes in the event you are interested but the normal 6pm start also applies.
Run Club
When: 6:00pm
Where: Side of club rooms - Bent St
Note: First rule of Run Club is - Don't talk about Run Club
See also the FaceBook WSTC page for run club details or changes to start locations.
Wind Trainer Bike Session
When: 6:00pm
Where: Altona LifeSaving Club (front entrance club rooms)
We do have spare wind trainers but if you could bring your own, it would be appreciated
Note: Tuesday's some attendees are arriving and starting at 5:30pm to get in a serious 90 minutes in the event you are interested but the normal 6pm start also applies.