Wester Suburbs Triathlon Club - Policy & Governance
Policy & Governance Overview
As a Triathlon Australia Member you acknowledge that you agree that you have read and understand the Triathlon Australia Membership Policies/Guidelines. If you have any questions regarding the Triathlon Australia Membership Policies/ Guidelines please do not hesitate to contact Triathlon Australia on email: info@triathlon.org.au
As a Triathlon Australia Member you agree and acknowledge that if you fail to comply with any of the Triathlon Australia Membership Policies/Guidelines that Triathlon Australia may at its discretion suspend and or cancel your Triathlon Australia Membership. Triathlon Australia may also impose disciplinary measures as set out in Triathlon Australia’s Member Protection Policy.
Please see the information below regarding WSTC vacancies/nominations.
WSTC - Committee Nomination Form
The following are policies adopted by Western Suburbs Triathlon Club (derived from Traithlon Victoria policy).
WSTC - Safeguarding Childern Policy
WSTC - Child Safety Code of Conduct
WSTC - Volunteer Individual Commitment
WSTC - Child Safety Reporting Process
Triathlon Victoria - Privacy Policy
For all Triathlon Victoria Policies, including the Triathlon Australia Constitution, Triathlon Australia Strategic Plan, Triathlon Australia Member Protection Policy and Triathlon Australia Anti Doping Policy
Triathlon Victoria Policy & Governance Triathlon Australia - Integrity in Triathlon
For all Triathlon Australia Race Competition Policies & Documents.